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How to Make Gnocchi

Potatoes meet pasta

Make gnocchi using fresh or dehy potatoes

The History of Gnocchi

Homemade potato gnocchi can be made from fresh potatoes or from dehydrated potato flakes.

Easy, 5-Ingredient Potato Gnocchi Recipe

A potato ricer is the best tool for gnocchi, this allows for light and fluffy potato pulp in which your gnocchi will be made from. Potato ricers don’t compact the potato flesh, they keep it light and airy unlike mashers, food processors, food mills, and stand mixers. Potato ricers can be found online at home goods stores and kitchen supply outlets.

Make potato gnocchi ahead of time

Gnocchi can be a little prep intensive, but once you get in a groove you can make a lot. And once cooked, gnocchi freeze beautifully. We recommend after cooking them, that they be shocked by plunging in cold water and then drained on paper towels before transferring to a lightly oiled baking sheet and then freezing them. Once frozen they can be transferred to a freezer bag and used whenever you like. All they need at that point is to be reheated. Place them in simmering water for 3-4 minutes before adding them to a sauce.

Gnocchi Tips & Hacks

Choose the right potato

Russets make for really light and fluffy gnocchi, but they can tend to have a relatively low amount of potato flavor. Yellows work well for gnocchi but the water content tends to be a little higher. We recommend an even blend of both if using fresh potatoes. Ultimately our top recommendation is to use dehydrated potato flakes. Using a Dehy potato allows you to control the amount of moisture in the dough, resulting in pillowy, light, and easy-to-make gnocchi.

From Russet Potatoes to Gnocchi

This super light and fluffy gnocchi is easy to make with five simple ingredients.

5 Ingredient Potato Gnocchi
Gnocchi Cooking Tips

How do you cook gnocchi?

Do not boil gnocchi, instead simmer/poach them. Aggressively boiling these delicate dumplings may cause them to absorb too much water or even worse cause them to be torn apart by the convection of the water in the pot. As soon as they float they can be removed from the simmering water.

Homemade Gnocchi

Flavor Pairings

Gnocchi Shape

Do I have to make the ridges?

The ridges in gnocchi can be made with the tines of a fork if a gnocchi board isn’t available. Also the ridges, while they serve a purpose, don’t necessarily need to be there. Simply rolling the gnocchi into little balls will suffice.

Gnocchi Cooking Tips


Eggs don’t need to be used but they add richness and flavor.


Be careful not to over knead the dough, doing so will make the gnocchi tough and rubbery.


Salt the water, not the dough. In most dough salt is a vital part of the recipe. In gnocchi however, adding salt can make the gnocchi tough. Instead, salt the water to impart flavor in the dough.


Amazing People, Amazing Potatoes

See how firefighter Todd Barron prepares his delicious potato gnocchi.

Homemade gnocchi from dehy potato flakes

Light and pillowy potato dumplings, use these in soups, stews, or in place of pasta with your favorite sauce.


Store-Bought Gnocchi Inspiration