An extra hour of daylight, flowers budding, fresh air, outdoor entertaining…spring cleaning. Spring means all these things and more and it’s often the time of year that we try to simplify our lives and really get back to basics. So, in honor of this theme, I’ll devote this week to potato basics – from buying and storing potatoes to potato varieties to potato history, you’ll find it here this week!
Best Potato Storage Practices:
• Store potatoes in a well-ventilated place at a temperature between 45ºF and 55ºF.
• Keep potatoes out of the light – store in a plastic or paper bag to extend shelf-life.
• Avoid storing in any high-temperature areas (don’t keep potatoes next to the coffee maker, toaster or microwave).
• Don’t wash potatoes before storing.
• If potatoes begin to sprout or turn a slight greenish tint, cut away those areas before cooking and eating.
Best Cooking Practices:
• Scrub with a vegetable brush under cool running water.
• Preserve the most nutrients by keeping skin on. If you must peel, be sure to keep the peeling very thin, since many nutrients are found close to the skin.
• Steam or microwave potatoes instead of boiling them, because water naturally leaches some of the nutrients from the potatoes.
• Refrigerate any leftovers within two hours or serving.
• Avoid freezing cooked potatoes at home as they become watering upon reheating.