It’s almost August, and one of my kids is already back in school.
This means, of course, in addition to the baseball games, gardening, swimming, mowing of the lawn, summertime projects still yet-to-be done, we now have homework to focus on. It’s getting tougher to get dinner on the table before 7:00!
I’m not complaining—at least only one of my kids is back to school. This is actually when I have the chance to figure out how to schedule in dinner without letting the important things slip.
Here’s where shameless promotion of potatoes comes in, but it’s sincere…. I’ve tapped into the wealth of quick and easy recipes available on Most dishes are ready to serve in about 30 minutes. The boys’ favorite is the Savory Potato Patties with Ham and Cheese (big surprise!).
My favorite recipe, Grilled Potato Bake, takes about 40 minutes to cook. But once I’ve assembled all my ingredients and popped it on the grill, I can go back to helping my kids with math facts and reading until it’s done.