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Foodservice Menu Trends Report


Foodservice Volumetric Report


The Quality Carbohydrate Coalition Scientific Advisory Council

The Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) aims to support a collaborative, scientific dialogue around the unique and diverse roles that carbohydrate-containing foods play in healthful eating. The SAC is made up of six world-renowned experts in carbohydrate research, nutrient profiling, cultural competency and epidemiology.

Meet the Members




Siddhartha Angadi, PhD, FACSM
University of Virginia





Adam Drewnowski, PhD
University of Washington





Julie Miller Jones, PhD, CNS, CFS
St. Catherine University





Yanni Papanikolaou, MPH
Nutritional Strategies, Inc.





Judith Rodriguez, PhD, RD, FAND, FADA, LD/N
University of North Florida





Joanne Slavin, PhD, RD
University of Minnesota